Left to Right: Bobby Hall, Scott McClenathan, and Mario Munoz
Command and Control (C2) systems integrators, Bobby Hall, Scott McClenathan, and Mario Munoz, maintain the Army Joint Support Team’s (AJST) Joint Air-Ground Command and Control Lab (JAGC2) at Hurlburt Field, Florida. The JAGC2 Lab is exclusively configured to provide specialized and tailored joint air-ground integration training and education.
A critical component of AJST institutional training is confirmation of fluid Joint interoperability. Bobby, Scott, and Mario establish, test, and maintain connectivity to the Army C2 Systems and Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS). They manage seventy-five physical and virtualized servers, plus thirty-five Army command and control information systems (C2IS). Bobby, Scott, and Mario also ensure compliance with both Army and Air Force policies to keep the Army’s primary C2IS to TMBCS training facility up and running.
Their efforts enable AJST’s support of the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Warfighter exercise program, specifically, the Specialized Joint Air-Ground Training (SJAT) for division and corps, the Echelons Above Brigade Airspace Control Course (EABAC), and the laboratory portions of the Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course (JAOC2C) and Air Operations Center - Initial Qualification Course (AOC-IQT). The systems and services they manage for AJST facilitate education at the individual level thru training 4-star joint staffs.