Mr. Tim Ellis is a Training Management Analyst providing technical and staff support services for the National Guard Bureau J7 Joint Training and Exercise Division in Arlington, VA. In his primary role, Tim reviews After Action Reports from both Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) training courses and Emergency Response Exercises to provide feedback to instructors and exercise staff. Additionally, he travels to selected courses and exercises for onsite observation and interactions with the participants. According to Tim, “That’s the most fulfilling part of the job. I really enjoy being able to interact with our Soldiers and Airmen.”
On a daily basis, Tim spends time researching past training data to provide needs assessments, skill development recommendations, and lessons learned analysis to Military officers; in turn, streamlining joint training initiatives, enabling effective planning of future course loads, and determining adequate budgeting and funding. Another part of the job that keeps Tim connected with the military units is his support to the Course Registrars utilizing the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). “I used it when I was an S-3, it’s good to utilize my experience to assist with Student Management and help units get their people in the training they need."